
Sample API Docs

This can be used as a template to start a good intro to a products API docs https://bradfults.com/the-best-api-documentation-b9e46400379a

refs and examples


An Introduction to REST


When we talk about our API, we use terms like “REST” and “RESTful.” “REST” stands for Representational State Transfer. It’s an architectural style that’s an alternative to RPC or SOAP-based web services.

While there’s no official REST standard, there are common approaches and best practices used across the engineering community that help define how RESTful APIs should work. For example, most RESTful APIs follow six specific constraints or design rules.

The API is organized around REST. The API has predictable, resource-oriented URLs, and uses HTTP response codes to indicate API errors. We use built-in HTTP features, like HTTP authentication and HTTP verbs, which are understood by off-the-shelf HTTP clients. We support cross-origin resource sharing, allowing you to interact securely with our API from a client-side web application (though you should never expose your secret API key in any public website's client-side code). JSON is returned by all API responses, including errors. To make an API as explorable as possible, users can have test mode and live mode API keys. There is no "switch" for changing between modes, just use the appropriate key to perform a live or test transaction. Requests made with test mode credentials never hit production

An operation is a unit of a REST API that you can call. An operation comprises an HTTP verb and a URL path that is subordinate to the context root of the API. By configuring the operation, you define how the API is exposed to your developers.




HTTP Methods and Verbs

You may see these standard HTTP methods referred to as CRUD, or Create, Read, Update, Delete. Although CRUD has roots in database operations, you can also map those operations to the standard HTTP methods. For example, use a POST request to create a new resource, a GET request to read or retrieve a resource, a PATCH request to edit a resource, and a DELETE request to delete a resource.

The URLs are expected to following normal REST conventions.

HTTP Method Ctrl Action Purpose
GET index Read a resource or list of resources
POST save Create a new resource (when the key is not known a-priori) See note.
PUT update Fully replaces an existing resource or create one if the id key is pre-defined
Patch update Update an existing resource or create one if the key is pre-defined
DELETE Remove Remove a resource


Endpoint Action HTTP Verbs Returns code
/thing list(params) GET Array - a paginated array of things 200
/thing/123 show(id) GET Object -
one thing where id=123
/thing insert(body) POST Object -
Inserts a new thing and returns it
/thing/123 update(id, body) PUT Object -
update and return the thing where id=123
/thing/123 delete(id) DELETE nothing
Deletes the thing where id=123

Idempotent Requests

The API supports idempotency for safely retrying requests without accidentally performing the same operation twice. For example, if a request to create a doodad fails due to a network connection error, you can retry the request with the same idempotency key to guarantee that only a single charge is created. GET and DELETE requests are idempotent by definition, meaning that the same backend work will occur no matter how many times the same request is issued. You shouldn't send an idempotency key with these verbs because it will have no effect. To perform an idempotent request, provide an additional Idempotency-Key: <key> header to the request.


Success Status Codes

Status Code Description
200 - OK Everything worked as expected. default
201 - CREATED Resource/instance was created. returned from save action
204 - NO_CONTENT response code on successful DELETE request
404 - NOT_FOUND The requested resource doesn't exist.
422 Validation errors.
405 - METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED If method (GET,POST,etc..) is not setup in static allowedMethods for action or resource is read only
406 - NOT_ACCEPTABLE Accept header requests a response in an unsupported format. not configed in mime-types. RestResponder uses this

Response Body.

Any response body will be one of the following:

  • A representation of a resource
  • An array of representations of a resource (either a JSON array, or list representation in xml)
  • an empty body

Any 'envelope' information is conveyed in headers.


Because large data sets are possible, paging is used for all GET index actions. The default page size is set to 100. 9ci will return four response headers along with the result set.

Header Description
X-Pagination-Limit The per page size limit. Defaults to 100
X-Pagination-Current-Page The current page. Defaults to 1.
X-Pagination-Total-Pages The total number of pages in the result list.
X-Pagination-Total-Count The total number of items across all pages.

To retrieve data for a specific page, simply specify the page query parameter /doodad?page=5.

Query parameters Description
page The page number to show
limit or max The number of items in the result list to show per page
offset The item number to start from (zero based) in the result list. Don't use both this and page

Pages start at 1 of course. Any value less than 1 will default to the first page while any value greater than Pagination-Total-Pages will simply return an empty result set.


Errors come in the form of HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of an API request. as listed as well as validation errors

Not all errors map cleanly onto HTTP response codes, however. When a request is valid but does not complete successfully (e.g., a card is declined), we return a 422 error code.

Status Code Description
422 - UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY Validation errors.
404 - NOT_FOUND The requested resource doesn't exist.
405 - METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED If method (GET,POST,etc..) is not setup in static allowedMethods for action or resource is read only
406 - NOT_ACCEPTABLE Accept header requests a response in an unsupported format. not configed in mime-types. RestResponder uses this

Validation Errors 422

If you try to create or update a record with invalid data, you'll receive a 422 response code and the operation will fail.

You'll also receive an errors object in the response body with the resulting error messages. This object will have one key for each field with errors.

Each field will have an array of human readable error messages, as show below: