Mango Query

Gorm-tools provides a convenient way for iterating over records which correspond to a given SQL query.

Mango Overview

The primary motive here is to create an easy dynamic way to query via a rest api or using a simple map. The repository comes with a query(criteriaMap, closure) method. It allows to get paged list of entities restricted by the properties in the criteriaMap. The map could be passed as JSON string or Map. All restrictions should be under criteria keyword by default, but it can be changed with config.

Anything in the optional closure will be passed into Gorm/Hibernate criteria closure

📝 Whilst selectors have many similarities with MongoDB query documents, these arise more from a similarity of purpose and do not necessarily extend to commonality of function or result.

Basic example

  criteria: [name: "Bill%", type: "New"],
  sort: [name:"asc"],
  max: 20
  gt "id", 5

The same result can be reached with criteria:

Criteria criteria = Org.createCriteria()
criteria.list(max: 20) {
    ilike "name", "Bill%"
    eq "type", "New"
    gt "id", 5
    order("name", "asc")

Restful API query

See the docs here for more examples and info

Mango QL

The Mango query language is similar to Mongo's and CouchDB's new Mango selector-syntax with some inspiration from json-sql as well


Op Description Examples
$and default $and: [ {"name": "Belak"}, {"status": "D"} ]
equivalent to "name": "Belak", "status": "D"
$or "ors" them all $or: [ {"name": "Belak"}, {"fork": true} ]
$or: {"name": "Belak", "fork": true }
$not ALL not equal, !=, <> $not:{ "status": "Destroyed", "dateStatus": "2371" }
$nor ANY one is not equal $nor:{ "name": "Romulan", "fork": 12}


Op Description Example
$gt > greater than "cargo": {"$gt": 10000}
$gte >= greater than or equal "cargo": {"$gte": 10000}
$lt < less than "cargo": {"$lt": 10000}
$lte <= less than or equal "cargo": {"$lte": 10000}
$between between two distinct values "dateStatus": {"$between": [2300, 2400]}
$like like expression "name": {"$like": "Rom%"}
$ilike like auto-append % "name": {"$ilike": "rom"}
$eq = equal, concieince for builders "salary": {"$eq": 10} | "salary": 10
$ne not equal, !=, <> "age" : {"$ne" : 12}}
$in Match any value in array "field" : {"$in" : [value1, value2, ...]
$nin Not match any value in array "field" : {"$nin" : [value1, value2, ...]}
$isNull Value is null "name": "$isNull" \|"name": null
$isNotNull Value is not null "name": "$isNotNull" \|"name":{$ne: null}


Op Description Example
$gtf > another field "cargo": {"$gtf": "maxCargo"}
$gtef >= field "cargo": {"$gtef": "maxCargo"}
$ltf < field "cargo": {"$ltf": "maxCargo"}
$ltef <= field "cargo": {"$ltef": "maxCargo"}
$eqf = field "cargo": {"$eqf": "controlTotal"}
$nef not equal, !=, <> "cargo" : {"$nef" : "controlTotal"}}

Convert to Mango QL

The MangoTidyMap utility transforms parameters map to Mango QL criteria map. Here is several examples of usage:

assert MangoTidyMap.tidy([a:5]) == [a:['$eq':5]]
assert MangoTidyMap.tidy([b:"Bill%"]) == [b:['$ilike':5]]
assert MangoTidyMap.tidy([c: [1,2,3]]) == [c:['$in':[1,2,3]]]

One of the useful features of the MangoTidyMap is that it converts path to nested map which is required by mangoQuery

assert MangoTidyMap.tidy['a.b.c': 3]) == [a:[b:[c:['$eq':3]]]]
For more example take a look on MangoTidyMapSpec

Mango query

The repository by default does not have all the features of mango service, just query and queryList methods, but both automatically convert map params to mango map, so just params or request.JSON can be passed.

See Mango Api to know all features that are provided.


Bellow will be a list of supported syntax for params in json format, which is supported: Assume we are running these on star trek characters

  "criteria": {
    "name": "Kira%", /* if it ends with % then it will us an ilike */
    "gender": "F", //no % its straight up
    "placeOfBirth": {"$ilike": "bajor%"}, /* a case-insensitive 'like' expression appends the % */
    "hologram": true, /* boolean */
    "createdDate": "1993-05-16T00:00:00.000Z", // dates
    "dateOfBirth": "1957-07-26" // dates
    "placeOfBirth": {"$eqf": "$placeOfDeath"} //equals another field in set
  "sort":"name" // asc by default

This would produce in a round about way with criteria builders a where clause like this

  .. name like "Kira%" AND gender="F" AND placeOfBirth like "bajor%" AND hologram = true
  AND createdDate = ??? AND dateOfBirth = ??? AND placeOfBirth = placeOfDeath
  ORDER BY name ASC, dateOfBirth DESC;


  "criteria": {
    "": 101,
    "customerId": 101, /* check if domain has customerId property, if not then uses 101 above */
    "customer": { /* nested object way */
      "id": 101,
      "name": "Wal%"
  "sort": {
    "": "asc",
    "tranDate": "desc"

IN Clause

  "criteria": {
    "": [101,102,103], /* an array means it will use in/inList */
    "customer": [{"id":101},{"id":102},{"id":103}], //can be in summarized object form as well
    "": [101,102,103], /* an array means it will use in/inList */
    //the 3 above are different ways to do this
    "": {"$in": [101,102,103]},
    "customer": {
      "id": {"$in": [101,102,103]}

    "": {"$nin": [101,102,103]}, /* an array means it will use `not { in/inList }`*/

Fields Comparison Examples

  "amount": {"$ne": 50}, /*not equal*/
  "amount": {"$gt": 100}, /* greater than value */
  "amount.$gt": 100 /* another form of the above one, can be useful when json is build, for example from angular model, where  you can't right in object form*/
  "amount": {"$ge": 100}, /* greater or equal than value */

  "amount": {"$lt": "$origAmount"}, /* less than value of another field*/
  "amount": {"$le": "$origAmount"}, /* less or equal than value */

  "amount":{ //all these will get anded together
    "$gt": 5.0,
    "$lt": 15.50,
    "$ne": 9.99

  "amount": {"$between": [0,100]}, /* between value */

  "status": "$isNull" /* translates to isNull*/
  "status": {"$isNull": true}, /* translates to isNull*/
  "status": {"$isNull": false}, /* translates to not{ isNull}*/
  "status": null /* translates to isNull*/

Logical operators

    "$or": { // if a single or then it can be done like this
      "":{"$ilike": "wal"},
      "customer.num":{"$ilike": "wal"}
    "$and":[ // multiple ors would need to look like this in an array. only one and can be present too
        "$or": {
          "": "John",
          "": "Jon"
        "$or": {
          "": "Mark",
          "": "Marc"
    ], /* this would end up generating `.... and ( ( = 'John' or = 'Jon')
          AND ( = 'Mark' or = 'Mark') ) ....` */

    "$or":[ // again you can only have one of these
      { // the and is default and optional and this accomplishes the same thing as example sbelow
        "": "Mark",
        "$or": {
          "customer.sales": {"$lt": 10},
          "customer.sales": "$isNull"
        "$and": { //the and can be explicitly specified too if you wish
          "": "Jim",
          "customer.sales": {"$lt": 15}
    ], /* this would end up generating
          ( = 'mark' and ( customer.sales < 10 or customer.sales IS NULL))
          ( = 'jim' and customer.sales < 15 )
        .... */

Q search - similiar to a search engine search that uses a q paramter, ability to search by one string in criteria filters against several domain fields, the value for quick search can be passed in $qSearch or $q keywords. There are 2 ways to specify fields that should be searched against:

  1. in static property includes.qSearch as list of strings, see example bellow:
    class Org {
        String name
        Address address
        static includes = [
          qSearch: ['name', '']
  2. default fields in config
                qSearchDefault: [name, num,]

Mango criteria will add % automatically, if quick search string doesn't have it and will apply ilike statement for each field in includes.qSearch. If domain field is not string type, then eq statement will be used.[criteria: [$q: "abc"], max: 20])
So it is the same as:

Criteria criteria = Org.createCriteria()
criteria.list(max: 20) {
    or {
        ilike "name", "abc%"
        ilike "", "abc%"

Mango API

Mango in the Repository

The Repository implements MangoQueryTrait Trait which contains implementation for two query methods:

DetachedCriteria query( Map params=[:], Closure closure=null) {
        mangoQuery.query(getDomainClass(), params, closure)
see docs for DetachedCriteria

 List queryList(Map params=[:], Closure closure=null){
         mangoQuery.queryList(getDomainClass(), params, closure)
returns list of entities with pagination. For pagination take a look at Pager

If one need to override mango bean for a certain repo it can be achieved in two ways:

  1. implement getMangoQuery() method that should return instance of the class that implements MangoQueryApi

  2. register a new bean for custom criteria, and set it for the repo with @Qualifier annotation

beans = {
class NewMangoQuery implements MangoQueryApi {

    DetachedCriteria query(Class domainClass, Map params, Closure closure = null) {
       return null

    List queryList(Class domainClass, Map params, Closure closure = null) {
       return []
class CityRepo extends DefaultGormRepo<City> {

    NewMangoQuery mangoQuery

Build Mango criteria

Under the hood Mango uses DetachedCriteria take a look on main build method One can see that it normalizes params map to make it Mango QL and then adds restrictions to detached criteria based on map, if closure is passed then applies it too.

Count totals

If one needs to compute totals for some fields, MangoQuery has countTotals method. Restrictions for it are working in the same way as for query method, so it can be specified with params map and criteria closure.

But the repository beans don't contain this method, so one can call it on mangoQuery bean. To specify what fields sums should be computed for, the list with fields name should be passed. See example:

Org.repo.mangoQuery.countTotals(domainClass, [
  criteria: [name: "Virgin%", type: "New"]
], ["amount", credit]){
  gt "id", 5
Result will be look like: [amount: 1500, credit: 440], it doesn't take into account pagination.


See ScrollableQuery

Execute a closure for each record

As you can see in the example below, we can specify the SQL query and provide the closure which is called for each record:

    ScrollableQuery scrollableQuery = new ScrollableQuery(new ColumnMapRowMapper(), dataSource, 50)

    scrollableQuery.eachRow("select * from ScrollableQueryTest") { Object row ->
        println row

Execute a closure for each batch of records

Using eachBatch we can execute a closure for a batch of records. This closure is called for a specified number of records. For example, code below prints size of each batch (which is 5) to console:

    scrollableQuery.eachBatch("select * from ScrollableQueryTest", 5) { List batch ->
        println "batchSize=${batch.size()}"

Fetching a list of all records:

📝 This method holds all rows in memory, so this should not be used if there is going to be large number of rows.

    List values = scrollableQuery.rows("select * from ScrollableQueryTest where value='test'")


See PathKeyMapRowMapper

Row mapper which allows to convert data from a given ResultSet instance to a grails parameter map, which can be used for databinding.