9ci Confidential


Version: 1.2.1

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         Version: 1.2.1


compile "org.grails.plugins:view-tools:1.2.1"


API Documentation can be found here https://yakworks.github.io/view-tools/api

utility helpers to locate views in the spring mvc context - ViewResourceLocator for locating views in grails-app/views, plugins, and custom external paths. - GrailsWebEnvironment for binding a mock request if one doesn't exist so that services can operate without a controller.

Used to locate View resources whether in development or WAR deployed mode from static resources, custom resource loaders and binary plugins. Loads from a local grails-app folder for dev and from WEB-INF in development mode.


Grails 3

compile org.grails.plugins:view-tools:1.2.1

Grails 2

compile :view-tools:1.2.1


To make plugin look into grails3 folders add next line as a first line for you BuildConfig.groovy

grails.useGrails3FolderLayout = true


Example Bean

viewResourceLocator(grails.plugin.viewtools.ViewResourceLocator) { bean ->
    //initial searchLocations
    searchLocations = [
        "classpath:templates/", // consistent with spring-boot defaults

    searchBinaryPlugins = false //whether to look in binary plugins, does not work in grails2

    // in dev mode there will be a groovyPageResourceLoader 
    // with base dir set to the running project
    //if(Environment.isDevelopmentEnvironmentAvailable()) <- better for Grails 3
    if(!application.warDeployed){ // <- grails2
        resourceLoader = ref('groovyPageResourceLoader') //adds to list, does not replace


  • Resource locate(String uri) : is the primary method and is used to find a view resource for a path. For example /foo/bar.xyz will search for /WEB-INF/grails-app/views/foo/bar.xyz in production and grails-app/views/foo/bar.xyz at development time. It also uses the the controller if called from a plugin to figure out where its located and finally does a brute force locate. Most of the logic is based on and uses what Grail's DefaultGroovyPageLocator does.
  • Resource getResource(String uri) : also implements Springs ResourceLoader interface. This method works like a normal ResoruceLoader and uri can start with the standard file:, classpath:, etc


GrailsWebEnvironment.bindRequestIfNull() methods are the ones of interest. based on the RenderEnvironment in grails-rendering and private class in grails-mail All this does is bind a mock request and mock response if one doesn't exist deals with setting the WrappedResponseHolder.wrappedResponse as well You will need the spring test lib on your main compile.

compile "org.springframework:spring-test"

Example App

see https://github.com/yakworks/view-tools/tree/master/test-projects/app It contains a number of examples as well as a simple spring based viewResolver that uses ViewResourceLocator to find the template files it needs.