
Common Data Types

Definitions of data objects that are good candidates for wider usage:

May Use a Common Money Object

Use the following common money structure:

  type: object
      type: number
      description: Amount expressed as a decimal number of major currency units
      format: decimal
      example: 99.95
      type: string
      description: 3 letter currency code as defined by ISO-4217
      format: iso-4217
      example: EUR
    - amount
    - currency

The decimal values for "amount" describe unit and subunit of the currency in a single value, where the digits before the decimal point are for the major unit and the digits after the decimal point are for the minor unit. Note that some business cases (e.g. transactions in Bitcoin) call for a higher precision, so applications must be prepared to accept values with unlimited precision, unless explicitly stated otherwise in the API specification. Examples for correct representations (in EUR):

  • 42.20 or 42.2 = 42 Euros, 20 Cent
  • 0.23 = 23 Cent
  • 42.0 or 42 = 42 Euros
  • 1024.42 = 1024 Euros, 42 Cent
  • 1024.4225 = 1024 Euros, 42.25 Cent

Make sure that you don’t convert the “amount” field to float / double types when implementing this interface in a specific language or when doing calculations. Otherwise, you might lose precision. Instead, use exact formats like Java’s BigDecimal. See Stack Overflow for more info.

Some JSON parsers (NodeJS’s, for example) convert numbers to floats by default. After discussing the pros and cons, we’ve decided on "decimal" as our amount format. It is not a standard OpenAPI format, but should help us to avoid parsing numbers as float / doubles.

Use common field names and semantics

There exist a variety of field types that are required in multiple places. To achieve consistency across all API implementations, you must use common field names and semantics whenever applicable.

Generic Fields

There are some data fields that come up again and again in API data:

  • id: the identity of the object. If used, IDs must opaque strings and not numbers. IDs are unique within some documented context, are stable and don't change for a given object once assigned, and are never recycled cross entities.

  • xyzId: an attribute within one object holding the identifier of another object must use a name that corresponds to the type of the referenced object or the relationship to the referenced object followed by Id (e.g. customerId not customer_number; parentNodeId for the reference to a parent node from a child node, even if both have the type Node)

  • createdDate: when the object was created. If used, this must be a date-time construct.

  • updateDate: when the object was updated. If used, this must be a date-time construct.

  • _type: the kind of thing this object is. If used, the type of this field should be a string. Types allow runtime information on the entity provided that otherwise requires examining the Open API file.

Example JSON schema:

  type: object
      description: the identifier of this node
      type: string
      description: when got this node created
      type: string
      format: 'date-time'
      description: when got this node last updated
      type: string
      format: 'date-time'
      type: string
      enum: [ 'LEAF', 'NODE' ]
      description: the identifier of the parent node of this node
      type: string
    id: '123435'
    created: '2017-04-12T23:20:50.52Z'
    modified: '2017-04-12T23:20:50.52Z'
    type: 'LEAF'
    parent_node_id: '534321'

These properties are not always strictly necessary, but making them idiomatic allows API client developers to build up a common understanding of Zalando's resources. There is very little utility for API consumers in having different names or value types for these fields across APIs.

Address Fields

Address structures play a role in different functional and use-case contexts, including country variances. All attributes that relate to address information should follow the naming and semantics defined below.

      a (natural or legal) person that gets addressed
    type: object
      - firstName
      - lastName
      - street
      - city
      - zip
      - countryCode
        description: |
          a salutation and/or title used for personal contacts to some addressee;
          not to be confused with the gender information!
        type: string
        example: Mr
        description: |
          given name(s) or first name(s) of a person; may also include the middle names.
        type: string
        example: Hans Dieter
        description: |
          family name(s) or surname(s) of a person
        type: string
        example: Mustermann
        description: |
          company name of the business organization. Used when a business is the actual
          addressee; for personal shipments to office addresses, use `care_of` instead.
        type: string
        example: Consulting Services GmbH

      an address of a location/destination
    type: object
        description: |
          the full street address including house number and street name
        type: string
        example: Schönhauser Allee 103
        description: |
          further details like building name, suite, apartment number, etc.
        type: string
        example: 2. Hinterhof rechts
        description: |
          name of the city / locality
        type: string
        example: Berlin
        description: |
          zip code or postal code
        type: string
        example: 14265
        description: |
          the country code according to
        type: string
        example: DE
      - street
      - city
      - zip
      - countryCode

Grouping and cardinality of fields in specific data types may vary based on the specific use case (e.g. combining addressee and address fields into a single type when modeling an address label vs distinct addressee and address types when modeling users and their addresses).

{{ book.must }} Follow Hypertext Control Conventions

APIs that provide hypertext controls (links) to interconnect API resources must follow the conventions for naming and modeling of hypertext controls as defined in section Hypermedia.

{{ book.must }} Use Problem JSON

RFC 7807 defines the media type application/problem+json. Operations should return that (together with a suitable status code) when any problem occurred during processing and you can give more details than the status code itself can supply, whether it be caused by the client or the server (i.e. both for 4xx or 5xx errors).

A previous version of this guideline (before the publication of that RFC and the registration of the media type) told to return application/x.problem+json in these cases (with the same contents). Servers for APIs defined before this change should pay attention to the Accept header sent by the client and set the Content-Type header of the problem response correspondingly. Clients of such APIs should accept both media types.

APIs may define custom problems types with extension properties, according to their specific needs.

The Open API schema definition can be found on github. You can reference it by using:

    description: Service Unavailable
      $ref: 'https://zalando.github.io/problem/schema.yaml#/Problem'

{{ book.must }} Do not expose Stack Traces

Stack traces contain implementation details that are not part of an API, and on which clients should never rely. Moreover, stack traces can leak sensitive information that partners and third parties are not allowed to receive and may disclose insights about vulnerabilities to attackers.

Data Formats

{{ book.must }} Use JSON to Encode Structured Data

Use JSON-encoded body payload for transferring structured data. The JSON payload must follow RFC-7159 by having (if possible) a serialized object as the top-level structure, since it would allow for future extension. This also applies for collection resources where one naturally would assume an array. See the pagination section for an example.

{{ book.may }} Use non JSON Media Types for Binary Data or Alternative Content Representations

Other media types may be used in following cases: * Transferring binary data or data whose structure is not relevant. This is the case if payload structure is not interpreted and consumed by clients as is. Example of such use case is downloading images in formats JPG, PNG, GIF. * In addition to JSON version alternative data representations (e.g. in formats PDF, DOC, XML) may be made available through content negotiation.

{{ book.must }} Use Standard Date and Time Formats

JSON Payload

Read more about date and time format in Json Guideline.

HTTP headers

Http headers including the proprietary headers. Use the HTTP date format defined in RFC 7231.

{{ book.may }} Use Standards for Country, Language and Currency Codes

Use the following standard formats for country, language and currency codes:

{{ book.must }} Define Format for Type Number and Integer

Whenever an API defines a property of type number or integer, the precision must be defined by the format as follows to prevent clients from guessing the precision incorrectly, and thereby changing the value unintentionally:

type format specified value range
integer int32 integer between -231 and 231-1
integer int64 integer between -263 and 263-1
integer bigint arbitrarily large signed integer number
number float IEEE 754-2008/ISO 60559:2011 binary64 decimal number
number double IEEE 754-2008/ISO 60559:2011 binary128 decimal number
number decimal arbitrarily precise signed decimal number

The precision must be translated by clients and servers into the most specific language types. E.g. for the following definitions the most specific language types in Java will translate to BigDecimal for Money.amount and int or Integer for the OrderList.page_size:

  type: object
      type: number
      description: Amount expressed as a decimal number of major currency units
      format: decimal
      example: 99.95

  type: object
      type: integer
      description: Number of orders in list
      format: int32
      example: 42

{{ book.should }} Prefer standard Media type name application/json

Previously, this guideline allowed the use of custom media types like application/x.zalando.article+json. This usage is not recommended anymore and should be avoided, except where it is necessary for cases of media type versioning. Instead, the standard media type name application/json (or application/problem+json for HTTP error details) should be used for JSON-formatted data.

Custom media types with subtypes beginning with x bring no advantage compared to the standard media type for JSON, and make automated processing more difficult. They are also discouraged by RFC 6838.